Journal of Pedagogical Insights & Technological Advancements (J-PITA)

ISSN: _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ Published by IQAC & Research Cell of M.I. Training College, Ponnani


Submission Format:

  1. File Format:
    Submit your manuscript in .DOC or .DOCX format using Times New Roman, 12-point font size, with 1.5 line spacing. Justify the main text, and indent the first line of each paragraph rather than using spaces between paragraphs. Avoid using tabs. Please number all pages, except the cover page.
  2. Organization of Manuscript:
    • Cover Page:
      Include the title, author(s) name(s), contact information (phone/email), and a biographical sketch for each author on the cover page.
    • Abstract:
      Provide an abstract summarizing the key findings of the paper. Follow this with relevant keywords.
    • Main Body:
      Start the main body on a new page after the cover page.
    • Page Numbers:
      No page numbers should appear on the cover page.
    • Tables and Figures:
      Use appropriate graphics to explain or summarize key concepts and results. Titles should appear above tables, and captions should be placed below figures. Do not embed numbers or captions within the images themselves; place them outside the images on the same page.
    • Graphs and Charts:
      Graphs and charts should fit within the width of one or two columns. Use 9-point or 10-point Times New Roman for labels.
    • Citations:
      Keep citations to necessary references only. Short quotations should be included in the text within quotation marks (“ ”). For longer quotations (over 30 words), indent the paragraph. All quotations should be accompanied by precise references.
    • References:
      Use the APA format for references. Ensure that all references are accurate and adhere to the specified format.

Do not include headers, footers, or page numbers in the soft copy of the manuscript. All submissions should be made online.

We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions.